We are very excited to announce the first TLR Pioneer Training School (PTS) in Serbia! This is a rare opportunity not only for Serbia but also for the other former Yugoslavian countries. You can register at the link below:

Vrlo smo uzbuđeni što možemo najaviti prvu Pionir Trening Škola (PTS) u Srbiji! Ovo je rijetka prilika ne samo za Srbiju nego i za ostale zemlje bivše Jugoslavije. Registrirati se možete na linku iznad. Pomaknite se prema dolje za više informacija.

The footage you are seeing is an example of several schools that were done last year in the Russian speaking world. Now the PTS is coming to the Balkan region!

The school will be in English with translation into the Serbo-Croatian language.

At the school you will meet other brothers and sisters from many places who are on the same journey as you: moving away from repetitive ritualistic meetings in religious buildings, to a living every-day lifestyle of following Jesus. You will receive practical training on how to preach the gospel and lead people into a genuine encounter with God. This includes preaching repentance, baptizing in water and Holy Spirit, as well as praying for healing and deliverance. You will experience the joy of being used by God and being led by the Spirit!
There is also a strong teaching component that is crucial to having a faith that is grounded in sound biblical truth. Its not just about miracles, but about carrying the cross and following the Master. Do you want to see more fruit in your life? Then come and be ready to die to your life. Register at the link above.

We look forward to meeting you.

TLR Team Serbia/Croatia

Snimak koji vidite primer je nekoliko škola koje su prošle godine napravljene na ruskom govornom području. Sada PTS dolazi u regiju Balkana!

Škola će biti na engleskom jeziku s prevodom na Srpsko-Hrvatski jezik.

U školi ćete susresti drugu braću i sestre iz mnogih gradova koji su na istom putu kao i vi: odmaknuvši se od ponavljajućih ritualnih sastanaka u verskim objektima, do svakodnevnog života u sleđenja Isusa. Dobit ćete praktičnu obuku o tome kako propovedati evanđelje i voditi ljude u istinski susret s Bogom. To uključuje propovedanje pokajanja, krštenje u vodi i Duhom Svetim, kao i molitvu za isceljenje i oslobođenje. Doživjet ćete radost da vas Bog koristi i da vas vodi Duh Sveti!
Tu je takođe veliki sastavni deo naučavanja o veri koja je utemeljena na zdravoj biblijskoj doktrini. Ne radi se samo o čudima, već o nošenju krsta i sleđenju Učitelja. Želiš videti više plodova u svom životu? Onda dođi i budi spreman umreti svom životu. Registrujte se na linku iznad.

Radujemo se susretu s vama.

TLR Tim Srbija/Hrvatska

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