

Welcome to this page where we have many different free resources available for you to be transformed in your life and then go and transform other people.

We love Jesus with all of our hearts. And His command to us is to go out and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to obey everything He has commanded us to do.

We want to take this call serious and therefore we have produced many different kind of resources for you. You can use all of them for free and see your life getting transformed, as well as the lives of others around you.

Start learning today and be amazed at how simple Jesus’ words actually are.


how we can train you

online and physical

As you see here we offer you both online and physical schools. The online schools are easy for you to follow from home. They are filled with sound biblical teachings and are easy to understand.

The physical schools are real buildings, located at various places around the world. Here you are welcome to stay for a longer period of time and really start learning how to live the life we read about in the Book of Acts.

Besides these two types of education, we of course have the kickstart weekends around the world where you are welcome to join. Be transformed in only a few days and start the change.

online schools


physical schools

revival tent tour & schools

tlr usa

God is calling. Time is short. Who will Go? Whom shall He send? God has been speaking. It’s time to hit the road with motorhomes and RV’s and to see Revival. It’s time to see another great awakening! We know God is in this and that it comes from Him. We also know He’s calling many of you out there to join in one way or another.

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Join the new thing God is doing all over America. We are very excited to present our new three in one Tent Revival, Mobile Pioneer School and Kickstart weekend Event. 

America has never seen this before and we believe it is time for America. It’s not time for fear, nor to draw back, its time for boldness and to live the life that Jesus Christ has called us to.

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the last reformation
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