Online Pioneer School

Online Pioneer School

this course touched thousands

the online pioneer school

This exciting online course has been the beginning of a new walk with Christ for thousands all over the world. What Torben Søndergaard is sharing here is life-changing. It will help you focus on Jesus, enable you to be led by the Holy Spirit and make you want to live the life we read about in the book of Acts.


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Following these practical lessons will change your life. It will help you to break free from traditions and structures that people have created, so you can enter into a life that is similar to the life we read about in the book of Acts.

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Lesson 1 - Come out of the box
Much of what we do today is because of our church history. It is important to understand this in order to take our glasses off, which hinder us in reading the Word of God clearly. This is an important lesson as Torben will come back to this again and again during The Pioneer School.
Lesson 2 - Religion or Jesus
Jesus did not come with a new religion. He did not come that we should just go to a certain place (church) at a specific time (Sunday church service) where a certain person (priest) does certain things that we can not do. No, He came with a kingdom that is so much different than what we see in the "church" today. So do you want religion or the kingdom of God which Jesus came with? See this amazing teaching.
Lesson 3 - The book of Acts
The book of Acts is a little insight into some of the first disciple's life. An insight into a few days in some of the disciples diaries. If Jesus is the same today, our diary should also look like what we read there. This challenging lesson will help you to get a life as we read in the book of acts.
Lesson 4 - Knowledge or obedience
Jesus did not come with a lot of theology. He did not start a Bible school. He said: Come and follow me. He called apprentices (disciples), who had to learn through his example ... If we are going to be effective in making disciples, like He calls us, we must then do it the same way as He did. We need to stop teaching so much, which just gives us knowledge, but not much to obey. See this challenging teaching that will help you to understand what Jesus called us to.
Lesson 5 - Preach and heal
Here is an important teaching that reveals how far the churches have come away from the call Jesus gave us. The Bible makes it clear that Jesus paid the price not only so that we can be forgiven of our sins, but also so that people can be healed. Therefore, he called his disciples to both preach the gospel and heal the sick. We who are disciples of Jesus today should therefore also do the same. This will become clear to you in this teaching about healing.
Lesson 6 - Kickstart your christian life
To be kickstarted is to learn to heal the sick. But it's much more than that. It is a tool that can transform people, cities and countries. See this exciting lesson and be kick-started in your Christian life.

The pioneer school USB stick

All of the first 20 lessons of The Pioneer School. Ideal for those with a slow internet connection or if you want to give it to someone else.  

l'Ultima riforma in italia

Chi ti vede visitare il nostro sito web dalla Svizzera. Anche lì abbiamo un team dedicato di gente del posto che è appassionata di avvicinarti a Dio.

Want to know how to live this life too?

You will love this video! Just try to see the first minute, and you will want to see more! This everyday life led by the Holy Spirit is also for you!

For encouragement – God is moving!
Lawrence wrote a testimony.