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The Life

The Life
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The Last Reformation: The Life is the sequel to The Last Reformation: The Beginning that has inspired many people around the world. Just as with the first movie, we experienced how God led the whole process of filming and producing. And slowly we started to see what God wanted to show the church through this movie. While the first movie laid the foundation of the gospel of Jesus – how to become a new creation in Christ, this movie focuses on the walk after someone has been born again.

The Life shows that this walk as a disciple is difficult, but also that victories will be part of it when we remain faithful to Jesus’ words. 

This movie will inspire, convict and challenge you to become everything God created you to be. From the living room of a rock star, to a homeless man on the streets in Brazil; come experience the movement that is growing all around the world as people discover what it truly means to be disciples of Jesus.

how it came to be

about the film


their stories

meet the crew

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torben sondergaard - producer

“I love Jesus and I met him on April 5th, 1995 and since that day I’ve been living as a disciple of Jesus. We’ve started a network called The Last Reformation that has been growing all over the world. This is our heart: to show people what Christianity really is about. We have seen many come to Christ through our first movie.”

lebo akatio - director

“God was really directing the whole movie, from the beginning to the end. During the filming it became more and more clear what the movie would be about.”

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"mambo #5" lou bega

Unique interview with ‘Mambo No. 5’ Lou Bega, about his faith in Jesus and how he got involved in the new movie The Last Reformation: The Life.

for you to use

all resources

products & downloads

The Last Reformation: The Life - 10 Pack

$13.00 / €13.00

The Last Reformation: The Life

$10.00 / €10.00

David and Jenieva
When Jesus comes around
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David and Jenieva
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David and Jenieva
Blessed Hope
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David and Jenieva
Walk to the River
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Aaron Nazario (aable)
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Movie business cards

Format: 8.5 x 5.5 CM. Suitable for printing

official music video Walk to the river

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questions and answers


You can find all of the soundtracks here.

Subtitles for the movie are available in many languages. Please click on the CC button within the YouTube player to enable subtitles.

Also, some people took the initiative for a voice-over of this movie. Please look at the description under the movie on Youtube for links to those versions.

Some people have taken the initiative to do a voice-over in their own languages of our movie. We list them here:

Yes! We have posters and business cards which you can print or buy. Also a collection of images from the film.

Because the gospel of Jesus Christ is for free. Receiving a new life with the Spirit of God living inside of you is free.

And we thought the best way to communicate that is to make this movie free as well.🙂 The movie was quite expensive to make, but we’ve seen God providing the money and talents at the right time. He is good!

The running time is 114 minutes.

The term “cups and cookies” comes from an old video that Torben Søndergaard made. In this video, Torben explains the gospel in a clear and visual way. Since then, many people got trained in preaching the gospel, using this same method. It is, for example, part of the 3-week Pioneer Training School program.

It’s a very effective way to share the gospel with people, wherever you are! You can see the video below.

The cups and cookies explanation of the gospel is also present in the exciting testimony below.

The Last Reformation (TLR), started with a book with the same name, written by Torben Søndergaard. In the book he explains how the church over time rediscovered the truth. In church history there have been several bigger and smaller reformations, where things that got lost with the rise of the Roman Catholic Church were reintroduced. We also see things the early disciples practiced in the New Testament are still missing in the church today. We need another reformation!

After the book, following a desert period in his life, Torben created a series of 20 lessons from the basement of his home. He called it The Online Pioneer School and from there a whole movement started, named after this book The Last Reformation.

Some time later the first movie The Last Reformation – The Beginning was released which accelerated the movement even more.

Jesus says we need to be born again to enter the Kingdom of God. This was made possible by the death and resurrection of Jesus.

What do you need to do?

Repent from your sins and turn to God. Then be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Please check out our Gospel page, it contains both brief and in-depth, solid biblical explanation on how to get saved.

Most important, is that you are a disciple of Jesus and that starts with a new birth. As a born-again follower of Jesus, you are called to walk in Jesus’ footsteps. The Bible teaches that signs and wonders will follow those who believe. But for many people it’s very scary to pray for healing for the first time. Therefore we have introduced a concept called “kickstarting”. A person that has never prayed for the sick, is taken out on the streets or shopping mall by someone who has done it before. You will see how it works in the video below:

Often we organize kickstart weekends in different places around the world. There is also a large network of disciples who are ready to kickstart you. Please visit our map to find disciples or events near you. Click here to go to the map.

There are disciples all around the world who are willing to pray for you. Some have much experience in this, others very little, but everyone is still learning.

You can find someone near you on our world map.

This movie deals with subjects that may be unfamiliar to you and can raise questions. We recommend you read the New Testament in the Bible for yourself and see how the first disciples lived and acted. The problem is sometimes that we read the Bible through “glasses” that we wear as a result of church traditions. We recommend to watch the Online Pioneer School, a series of 24 video lessons, to get those glasses off.