9 – AS LAMBS AMONG WOLVES – an important lesson for all of us! – overcoming your fear

9 – AS LAMBS AMONG WOLVES – an important lesson for all of us! – overcoming your fear

This lesson will help you overcome your fear.

Jesus did the opposite most pastors are doing today. He’s sending us out as lambs among wolves!

More and more people today are coming away from the church system and getting their focus back on Jesus and His call.

In Luke 10:3, Jesus says, “Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves.”

Which shepherds are doing this today, like Jesus did, sending His little lambs (you and me) out there in the middle of hungry wolves who are ready to eat us?

Get the answer in this video:

We are starting to get feedback on the new book The Call of Jesus. One writes here:

And please share it, and pray that the church will start to see and understand this very important truth!

See the other videos from The Call of Jesus:

You can get the book on Amazon and througt our webside at: www.TheLastReformation.com

If you don’t have any money for the book then send us an email and we can help with a code. This is for everyone, even those who don’t have the money!

Please share this video! Share the news and let’s see a revival like never before!

Amazon – The ebook:
https://www.amazon.com/Call-Jesus-finding-person-peace-ebook/dp/B08654LR4C/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=Torben+sondergaard&qid=1584801151&sr=8-5 https://thelastreformation.com/shop/books/english/the-call-of-jesus/

Please write a customer review on Amazon when you’ve read the book! 🙂

Amazon – The printed book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1952484006/ref=mp_s_a_1_7?dchild=1&keywords=Torben+sondergaard&qid=1584801151&sr=8-7

The Last Reformation:

God bless you!

Torben Søndergaard

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