TLR Kickstart Weekend in Naples Florida with Torben Sondergaard – Come and join us here…..

TLR Kickstart Weekend in Naples Florida with Torben Sondergaard – Come and join us here…..

We are very excited to invite you to this three day kickstart in sunny Naples on the West Coast of Florida. We believe that this will be a kickstart where many people who are in Florida, but also you who are outside Florida, will come and join.

So jump in the car, jump on a plane, come down and be with us for a life changing event! In these popular three day kickstarts we talk about discipleship, how to share the gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons, and be led by the holy spirit. Not on a big platform in Africa, but in your everyday life — where you work, in your neighborhood, in your living room. Jesus is the same everywhere!

If you want to see a little more of what a kickstart can do to your life, watch the video below of the last kickstart we had in Florida.

Read more and sign up here:

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We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.

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