Kickstart Discipleship Training In Cleveland Tennessee – Join a kickstart near you… See

Kickstart Discipleship Training In Cleveland Tennessee – Join a kickstart near you… See

From TLR Tennessee:

Looking back at the fruit of one kickstart, I wonder what would happen if every disciple of Jesus would step out and train one person to be obedient to Christ. The brother at the end this video received the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues about 15 secs after coming out of the water. He was questioning getting baptized 10 minutes before that. The Lord pointed him out to me and I asked him a simple question: “What are you waiting for?” He looked up at me and said “nothing, let’s go!!” YES!!! One more for the Kingdom!
The time is now, don’t wait to bury the old man. Don’t wait for the rest of the world to catch up. We are running a race that we each need to run in such a way that you may win.. Go for it! make Disciples!!!!

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We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.

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