Welcome to this second video in the series: FIGHTING FOR THE FAITH. I AM VERY EXCITED ABOUT THIS TEACHING
In this lesson, I will help you see what FAITH really is, and how far away we’ve come from the Biblical FAITH we see in the Bible. Sadly, we have gotten a Greek understanding of FAITH as simply a mental state, instead of a Biblical understanding of FAITH as OBEDIENCE.
Yes, FAITH and OBEDIENCE are actually synonyms according to Hebrews, just as UNBELIEF and DISOBEDIENCE are also synonyms. FAITH is ACTION, and we can see what people BELIEVE by their ACTIONS.
We will also look at the phrase, “Faith Alone”, and how faith cannot be alone. Faith alone is DEAD, as the Bible says!
But, if we talk about faith alone in the context of the Catholic Church, then yes, in that context, we believe we are saved by faith alone. See more in this video:
I believe this lesson will challenge many of you out there, because it really shows how deceived we, as the church, really are, and how we have misunderstood what true Biblical faith really is.
I also believe it will help you come into TRUE FAITH, and give you revelation which will set you free! Yes! This will help you when you read the Bible, to understand what it means when it talks about faith – works or obedience.
May we all come back to the truth of the Gospel, when it comes to what FAITH truly is and what it means to believe in Jesus!
Let’s fight for the Gospel!
God bless you!
– Torben Søndergaard
Again, here is the link to the INTRO video in this series:
And here are more links:
The Pioneer School
Grace, Salvation and Faith
Don’t Be Deceived – You’re Either On The Road Of Sin Or The Road Of Holiness
THE TRUTH BEHIND WHY RAVI ZACHARIAS AND OTHERS FALL BACK INTO SIN – Important video https://youtu.be/z3ajsxjw_4Q