Jesus healed a man from sciatica!

Jesus healed a man from sciatica!

This testimony was published on the TLR Map.

A Hammond organ tech from Anderson, Ind came by to pick up this large heavy instrument. He brought his wife to help because he said he was suffering from sciatica and lower back pain and couldn’t move it alone. After the instrument was loaded, I told him I could help with his pain. He said ‘ok’. First thing I sat him in a chair, checked his leg length. Right leg 5 inch shorter than left. I commanded right leg to grow and come out. It grew out until they were both even. Told him to stand and check the pain. Sciatica in the leg was gone completely, but still a little lower back pain. I laid hands on his lower back and commanded all pain to leave in the name of Jesus. NOW… he checked and all pain was gone. His wife couldn’t believe what she just saw and started to weep. Awesome! Jesus is Lord!

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