I was a Muslim

I was a Muslim

This testimony was published on the TLR Map.

My Testimony on 3 May 2020
I was born and raised in a Muslim family in Tunisia. From the age of 4, I went with my father to the neighborhood mosque for prayer. At that time, I also went to the ‘Koteb’ (a local institution where children are called to recite/memorise Coran). When I was in secondary school, I met with some friends and for some reasons I decided to go to Iraq to fight against ‘Kuffar ‘ (non-believers). In the mosque, we were taught that we should defend our Allah (God), if we loved him. This is called ‘Jihad’ (fight against the enemies of Islam). But that time, the government police arrested some of my friends and took them into prison. So because of our fear of the government, we abandoned the idea of fighting. By that time, I was preparing to pass my baccalaureate exam which I failed in the end.
One day, when I left the mosque, I looked to the sky and asked God: “Where are you? You know that I love you so much, why don’t you answer my prayers and be with me in every situation? At least, fill my heart with your love!” For some reasons, I decided to see the God of Christians and Jews, but I didn’t find any books to read. In 2001, the Creator sent me an Egyptian person to give me the New Testament and explain to me its path. I took the book and read it, but I didn’t understand it. This man, to make it easier for me, told me that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He taught me more and more about Jesus for 3 years. In this time I felt fear from Allah of Islam, I said to myself: “Maybe he would kill me!” For that reason, I went back again to the mosque just to pray one more time but for 6 months and ask the Creator where He is at the end, in Islam or in Christianity?!
I continued to read the bible and found out later that a Christian believer has “the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt him” (Luke 10:19). The reason why, I read all the New Testament over and over again until I accepted Jesus as my Saviour.

In 2004, the Egyptian brother baptized me: Hallelujah! Glory to Jesus! Then things and miracles started to manifest in me: first I stopped saying any bad words, second I forgave my uncle (we didn’t talk for many years), then the best part was that I stopped smoking! The Lord Jesus also helped me in my job and marriage with many other miracles.

I love You Jesus and thank You that You saved my life! Amen.

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