I hope everyone is good out there. I wanted to do this video this morning because there is something that saddens me greatly. That is to see how the Spirit and the Word in many groups and places have been divided, where in some there is a lack of the fear of God and holiness.
In one group, they focus so much on the Word and holiness, and seeing families as holy and marriage as holy, and they want to be holy in their life. It is beautiful! I love it! There is something amazing when you meet these people, and it’s just beautiful music to your ears!
But then, as soon as we talk about the life with Christ and the Holy Spirit, and what the Spirit is doing, healing the sick and casting out demons, it’s just like something is missing.
On the other side, and this is many of the people coming to our meetings, they are very open to the Holy Spirit and healing and all that, but there is just a great, great lack of holiness and the fear of God. It’s almost as if, when the Spirit says something, it doesn’t matter what the Word says, because, “God told me.” It’s almost like they put the Word out of power because of what they believe the Holy Spirit was saying, as if they cannot be wrong.
We need to build on the Word, and we need to build on the Spirit. But we have also been given a conscience by God, and if we step out of line, our conscience will testify and say something is wrong. So, no matter what you think the Word is saying, if it goes against the conscience that’s been given to you by God – and no matter what the Spirit is saying, if it goes against the conscience that’s been given to you by God – then DON’T GO THERE!
We need to have all three in alignment with each other. The conscience that has been given to us by God (the law of Christ that has been written on our hearts), the Spirit of God Who has been given and is here to guide us, and the Word, which is the light for our feet.
Let all three be in alignment. If we do that, and continue in sanctification, we will one day be saved, and stand in front of God as a good and faithful servant, and not stand, as sadly many will, and say, “Lord, have we not healed the sick, prophesied, and cast out demons?” and hear Him say, “Away from Me – I never knew you, you who commit lawlessness.”
I hope this teaching is going to help you, and save you from this.
God bless you all out there!
Torben Søndergaard