Our Lives Should Be Prophetic – God Is Still Writing His Story!

Our Lives Should Be Prophetic – God Is Still Writing His Story!

It is just incredible to be a part of God’s history. God is writing history as much now, today, as He was writing when it came to Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Moses, and the other people we read about in the Old Testament, or Christ in the New Testament.

God is as much in control today as He was at that time. We should not only have prophetic words in the church, but we should also be living a prophetic life.

You should understand that you are a part of God’s history, and that God is as much writing it now as He was with the people in the old days. Nothing has changed!

See this video here, where I share just one of many experiences about how God is still in control. He’s not only in control in my life… He’s also in control in your life if you let Him use you and give yourself over to Him.

There’s nothing like living this life. It is just incredible! There’s story upon story upon story upon story!

See the video here if you did not know what God did with the prophetic dream I talk about in the video about Chicago. See that in the link here:

This is the last video from the Ark in North Carolina before we go out and multiply and cover the whole earth!

God bless you!
Torben Søndergaard

Program for Florida

See more about the different events here:

TLR Day, December 4th:

Tent Revival, December 6th-11th:

Mobile Pioneer Training School, December 7th-18th: https://thelastreformation.com/pts-mobile/

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We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.

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