Saw The Blue House In A Vision – Jesus Is Still Building His Church! – Amazing Testimony Like The…

Saw The Blue House In A Vision – Jesus Is Still Building His Church! – Amazing Testimony Like The…

In every Luke 10 School, we send out our students on what we call a Luke 10 trip. We are taking Jesus’ words in Luke chapter 10, and not only reading about it, not only trying to understand it, but also doing what He has called us all to do to obey it.

We go out on Jesus’ words, very often without a place to stay, without extra food, without extra money, just led by the Holy Spirit, going where Jesus wants us to go.

In this video, you can hear amazing testimonies from one of our teams who got a very clear vision where they saw a blue house on the top of a hill with a white fence, how the Holy Spirit led them to that house, and what God did when they came to that house.

If every church would just do this, we would see the people in the church coming back to their first love, and we would see hundreds of thousands of people coming to faith.

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This is for you! This is for everyone!

If you want to read more about this life Jesus has called us to, I recommend our new book The Call of Jesus, where I’m going through Jesus’ words in Luke chapter 10. You can read more about the book here:

Attention: Meet Us In VA, NJ, NC, TN And SC In The Next 3 Weeks!

It’s time to come out there! Come and join us! The next three weeks, we will be having Kickstarts in many different cities.

Next weekend, October 10th-11th, I will be in New Jersey. The same weekend, Ever and a team from the Ark will be in Virginia Beach, Oceanfront, to have an amazing Kickstart weekend there. Information about that will come out tomorrow.

The weekend after, October 17th-18th, we will have a Kickstart in Greenville, South Carolina, and from the 18th-20th we will be in Nashville, Tennessee. Information about these will also come out tomorrow.

We’re working on setting up Kickstarts in both Raleigh, North Carolina, and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, for October 24th-25th.

Come and meet us out there!

Spread the news, because we don’t have much time!

We are living in a very special time right now, and we feel we need to come out there and meet you all (also before we move the Ark from North Carolina to Tennessee)!

See more about this in the last two videos on my Facebook wall.

Help us get the news out there! 🙂

Torben Søndergaard

Help us caption & translate this video!

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We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.

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