Methodist Pastor Experienced Revival, But Not Everyone Was Happy – A Must Watch For Pastors!

Methodist Pastor Experienced Revival, But Not Everyone Was Happy – A Must Watch For Pastors!

– A Must Watch For Pastors And Leaders!

Welcome to this very special and honest video. Hear the truth from a pastor – truth about the loneliness and struggles, and also how hard it is when God finally comes and the church doesn’t want it.

Deron is writing this:

“Hi, my name is Deron and I have been a pastor for nearly twenty-nine years. Twenty of those years was as a United Methodist, and the other nine years in the Christian Churches. I received my Masters of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary, a Masters of Arts in Counseling from Lincoln Theological Seminary, and a Doctorate of Ministry Degree in Spiritual Formation from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

But all of that changed in December of 2018 when I accidentally discovered The Last Reformation movies on YouTube. At that time in my life I was very discouraged with the institutional church and her abandonment of biblical principles in regards to evangelism, spiritual gifts, and legalism. I was hungry for more of God in my life. When I stumbled across TLR’s movie “The Life” I was greatly effected. I immediately got onto the TLR website and looked for someone to help me find what was missing in my life. One week later I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and began to cast out demons and heal the sick in Jesus’ name! But the church leadership wasn’t receptive to my Spirit-filled life, and slowly began to push me out of the church.

In August of last year, I sadly resigned from my position due to the divisive spirit that governed that church. Today, my wife and I are leading a new ministry in Dallas, TX. It’s a ministry of support to pastors and church leaders of all faith groups. In relation to TLR we are enjoying a ministry of making disciples for the kingdom! God is shaking His Church today and great things are about to happen…”

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