4 – Two By Two – Back To Discipleship And Doing It Two By

4 – Two By Two – Back To Discipleship And Doing It Two By

Two By Two – Back To Discipleship And Doing It Two By Two

In this lesson 4, we talk about the power of doing things together – the power in discipleship. This is something that sadly, has been lost almost everywhere today. For example, where do you know of churches that are training members, to send them out two by two like Jesus did, and as He commanded us to do?

Let me read from my book The Call of Jesus:

“One big advantage when it comes to discipleship is that by going out two by two, we can learn from one another. When we talk about discipleship, we need to understand that it should not only occur on a platform in a church. Discipleship also needs to happen in everyday life. It is something we can live out, together, and although there are some things you can teach from a platform in a church, there are many things you will never be able to teach or show from that platform.

In order to learn these practical applications that can not be taught or shown from a platform in a church, you will need to leave the church and go out into real life in order to learn it and live it out. Although the church can teach some things, there is a difference between teaching it and actually showing how to live it out in the real world.

Yes. We need to come out in the real live and start to obey Jesus. And if we do it two and two it is much easier.“

Let’s help each other! Let’s do it together, and it will take the pressure away from the new person – just like we do with kickstarting.

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The Last Reformation:

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God bless you!

Torben Søndergaard

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We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.

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