It is amazing to see how the Kingdom of God is growing where many lives are being changed and home fellowships are starting up all over the world.
But at the same time, there are still many people asking and looking for an example on how to start a home fellowship in their homes.
For this reason we made a video, where Jón Bjarnastein and Joel Salvisberg who was a former pastor, are talking more about making disciples and home fellowships. In this video, Joel is also sharing his journey on the practical side on Home fellowship out of his experience, how to meet together when it comes to having meal together, teachings, sharing, communion and more.
You can contact Joel from winterthur, switzerland here:
See more teaching about Jesus fellowships here:
If you have not seen the other videos with Torben Søndergaard and Joel Salvisberg, then you can watch it here:
Pastor gets fired.
Critical questions from pastors to Torben Søndergaard part 1.
Critical questions from pastors to Torben Søndergaard part 2.