A Prophetic Dream – Came True The Day after. Will you be part of the chaos or part of the Kingdom?

A Prophetic Dream – Came True The Day after. Will you be part of the chaos or part of the Kingdom?

“I (God) Will Show You What The Future Is About” – Came True The Day After

God has been speaking to many about the troubles and chaos we’re seeing, but also about the fact that He has another future for those who are seeking and obeying Him. As the darkness takes over, we will also see the light increase!

This is a very strong video about a prophetic dream a woman had, about her (and our) future. She got this dream that a group of people would come to her house and show her what the future will look like – a future that’s both powerful and beautiful. In the dream, she saw clearly what the people who came to her house looked like. The day after her dream, it all came true!

The people she saw in her dream came to her house, and she saw what the future was about. God showed her (and all of us) what He has in store for us. Yes, our future, if we choose to live fully for Him, will be like the early church and what we read in the book of Acts. It’s already here for those who live in the Kingdom of God!

We’re living in a world where chaos and darkness are increasing, and the love of many is growing cold. But, it’s also a world where true disciples of Jesus are experiencing the real, powerful life we read about in the book of Acts, a supernatural life led by the Holy Spirit!

We’re already seeing this, but it will be increasing, both in power and in numbers. This is just the small beginning!

See this powerful video about the future, and about what God is doing.

What future will you choose to live?

Will you be part of the chaos or part of the Kingdom?

Also, see more about this life in our movie 7 Days Adventure With God. You can find that and the other movies here: www.TLRmovie.com

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