The other day, we celebrated three years in America! The 26th of January was exactly three years since we left Denmark and came to America, where we were seeking asylum. Our case is still pending. We don’t know what’s happening with it, but we know we’re here, and it has been an interesting time! 

If I look at our lives, I can see how there are different seasons. When we were in Denmark at the Jesus Hotel, it was one season – beautiful in many ways, with students from all over Europe. Later, God called us to the Jesus Center – the big camp we had in Denmark, and at one time, we had over thirty nations gathered at the same time. It was a prominent place with many opportunities, and it was beautiful in so many ways! 

Then the persecution started, and we left it all and came to America, where the first three months were without a lot of outward fruit, but with a lot of inner healing and taking time to seek God for what should happen next. After this, we had a year in North Carolina – a year in Florida with schools – and now God has called us to a new season again, this time in California, where the next school is starting in the middle of March! Yes! We have just come out with information about this new school, which you can see here:

The last three years have been a season with a lot of driving, but no flying – no other countries, only here in America! And I want to say to all of you out there – there are different seasons in our life – seasons of traveling – seasons of staying put – seasons of working a lot in the Kingdom – and seasons of getting to know our Father in Heaven in a deeper deeper way! As this newsletter is being read by people worldwide, there are people right now who are going through a hard time with lockdowns, and there are other people who aren’t experiencing the lockdowns at all and have freedom instead. 

No matter where you are, I want to encourage you – you are created for a time like this! You are created for a season like this – and we need to learn to be flexible! We need to learn to adapt to the environment around us! This is what we have learned from flying a lot to not flying – from being in our own country to being in another country – from having a school to not having a school – from packing everything up and moving to another place and starting all over! Yes! Life brings many seasons, but God is the SAME! The Holy Spirit is the SAME, and I want to encourage you – don’t give up! Are you going through a hard time? Use a hard time to seek your Father, who is in Heaven! Use the time to come closer to HIM, and He WILL reward you! 

I’ve just given out new teaching in the series HOW TO, where I talk about HOW TO RECEIVE THE LOVE FROM GOD ,OUR FATHER ,who is in Heaven. Many people have difficulty to receive that love. Why? Because they had a season in their life that was very hard when it came to their earthly Father – a father who was maybe missing in their life – or very hard – or didn’t have time for them – or was weak in many areas – or a father who left them – and because of their experience with their earthly Father, they now have difficulty understanding who their heavenly Father is. Therefore, I have given out this teaching that has really blessed many people already. Have you not seen the teaching? 

I encourage you to see it at the link here:

Besides this, I’m still working on the series called LIVING BY FAITH – and the reason I’m doing this teaching is because I know there’s a change coming for many of us – because of the lockdowns – and because of the mandatory vaccine. People all over are losing their jobs, and are therefore stepping into a new time and a new season. But, this time and season don’t need to be hard! Why? Because our Father is faithful – and I’ve done teaching about how it is to live by faith and work in our Father’s business – and how He’s our Provider. I encourage you, if you have not seen that series yet, you can do that here:

It doesn’t matter where you are in your life right now! Use this time – use this season to get to know your Father! Use this time – use this season to spread the Gospel – to make disciples – to step into what God has for you – an amazing life that looks like the book of Acts! Many things are happening all over the world – new schools are popping up – house fellowships are starting – and if you go to TLRMap.com right now, you can see that there are many schools happening all over the world – there are many Kickstart Weekends and many events – and it is so beautiful! I encourage you to connect with people near you!

For you who live in America – Sunday, we are driving back to Florida, where we will have meetings the whole way back to Florida, and we will pick up our equipment and much of our team, and then we will bring it back to California. We will also have meetings back to California, where we will then be ready to start up the next school!

Again – it’s a new season, and we need to be flexible! We need to be ready to move around! We need to be prepared to adapt to the environment where we are – and adjust to our living time! So, I want to encourage you with this newsletter – stay strong! God knows! He’s in control – and no matter what time or season you’re in, He’s FAITHFUL! But, we need to be ready to adapt and adjust to the time! We need to be prepared to do what needs to be done so that we can continue to grow in our faith and our relationship with God so we can continue bearing fruit and making disciples where we are! God bless you all! I hope you are doing good! Let us know if there is anything we can do for you! Thank you for your prayers and support! Yes! It is not always easy, but we were never promised that – BUT we HAVE been promised that HE IS FAITHFUL and HE WILL GO WITH US – and this is what we can testify!

God bless you all out there!

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We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.

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You will love this video! Just try to see the first minute, and you will want to see more! This everyday life led by the Holy Spirit is also for you!

We went to pray for people in hospital.
Christophe wrote a testimony.