Unlocking the Power of Baptism: Freedom from Sin and Revelation Await – Important, Please share

Unlocking the Power of Baptism: Freedom from Sin and Revelation Await – Important, Please share

This will bring revelation and freedom. I have done many teachings before about baptism, but nothing like this one.

We need to ask ourselves: What does God do in baptism? Why does Paul talk about marriage and how we are released from the law that binds us to each other when he talks about baptism? Why did the early church always baptize people right away when they came to faith?

You will receive many answers in this teaching that will set you free from the law of sin and death. In many ways, I see this as one of the most important teachings I have done about baptism as we answer the basic questions: Why do we need to be baptized and how is this part of salvation?

Today, we have two deceptions. On one side, there are those who preach baptismal regeneration, which means that baptism itself saves and that we need to baptize babies. On the other side, there are those who preach that baptism is just a symbol and an outward sign. They see it as an obedient act and nothing more. They don’t baptize right away as we see in the Bible, and they don’t understand what God does in baptism. Both of these views are wrong. There is a middle road, and this teaching will help you see what the Bible, not our traditions, says about baptism.

This is the second teaching I am doing in this series. The first was about repentance, as you can see here:

Repentance, Sin, and the Kingdom: Restoring Truth to the Church – IMPORTANT TEACHING

If you want more teaching about baptism, I also have a two-hour teaching where we look at all the verses in the New Testament about baptism:


Please watch this and share it, as there are sadly not many who preach the whole truth anymore.

May this teaching set you free from sin so you can live a new life in Christ.


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We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.

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