Truth shared in the Truth and Liberty podcast with Torben Søndergaard

Truth shared in the Truth and Liberty podcast with Torben Søndergaard

00:00:00 – Introduction by Torben
00:02:26 – Start of interview

I had the honor the other day of sharing my story and much more on the Truth and Liberty podcast, which is a podcast under Andrew Wommack Ministries.

I love being on the other side, sharing my story. This podcast was a 1.5-hour live call that gave me ample time to share many things I hadn’t shared before.

I talked about my case and my experience with revival in jail. The host also asked me about the important things I learned in jail, and I was able to share the importance of having the right understanding and focus when it comes to the kingdom of God.

It felt great to share, and Richard Harris said it was one of the best podcasts he thinks he has ever done. I am ready for more of it. I know it is important to get the message out, and God has allowed me to experience this so that I can share and help prepare the church for what is coming in the future.

If you haven’t seen the podcast, you can watch it on this link:


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