Kickstart Weekend Chicago Lesson 7

Kickstart Weekend Chicago Lesson 7

What are we truly living for? Are we living as though this short life is all we have, or are we living for eternity?

We’ll be sending out a LIVE pro cast today with people from Europe and around America. We’ll talk about what God is doing and the RV and tent revival that’s going on – but in the light of eternity. We’ll also discuss how you, where you are, can get your eyes on eternity, and what that means.

150,000 die every day. Many will die without Christ and be lost. What does this mean?

And, for those of us who have Christ, there is still a reward we should live for. There’s a prize we should be running to get.

Hear more when we go LIVE today…

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We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.

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