THE KICKSTART PACKAGE – Launching MAY 14TH 2021 – Let the kickstart package come to you!

THE KICKSTART PACKAGE – Launching MAY 14TH 2021 – Let the kickstart package come to you!

I am very, very excited to finally be able to go public with this project, THE KICKSTART PACKAGE! This is something we have been working on for two and a half years! It’s one of the biggest projects we have ever done, and we believe this is going to transform so many people all over the world!

This is an amazing tool – a tool that will be released May 14th, but you can already go into our website sign up for our newsletter, and there we will inform you more about THE KICKSTART PACKAGE, and the book and workbooks, as soon as they are released and are out there!

The KICKSTART PACKAGE is four things:

1. The first thing you get is an app you can download onto your IPhone or Android, with a lot of information and pictures, etc… This app takes you through each lesson in the KICKSTART PACKAGE.

2. The KICKSTART PACKAGE also has seven videos. These are not just videos with teaching, but also with illustrations and pictures – multi-faceted teaching that will transform your life! We are very excited for this project, and I’m very thankful to Josué Studer who has been doing these videos, because this has been a big, big project which has taken a long time to make, but the results are so amazing!

3. Besides the app and the videos, we are giving out a book, THE KICKSTART PACKAGE BOOK! This book contains the lessons which go along with the videos, but not only that, it also has a ‘Q and A’ section after each lesson, where I answer some of the questions people may have after they’ve gone through the videos.

4. And, besides the book, we are also giving out a workbook for the people using THE KICKSTART PACKAGE, where they can sit and take notes, and answer the questions brought up in the lessons.

The whole idea behind this KICKSTART PACKAGE is:

1. First step – Download the app and go through THE KICKSTART PACKAGE YOURSELF.

2. Second step – Host a KICKSTART in your home. Invite friends, neighbors, people from your cell group/small group/home fellowship or church – and in your home or church, you go through the lessons with them.
Let the teaching transform them!
Pray for them, baptize them, and Kickstart them! In our KICKSTART PACKAGE BOOK, you as the host will get the help you need, and the answers to any questions that may arise while hosting your own KICKSTART! You can also get people from our teams to come help you if you want help hosting your own KICKSTART!

This amazing package is for you…
It is for your church…
It is for your friends…
It is for the people around you who you want to reach! Don’t miss it!
See it!
Be transformed, and use the tools to help other people around you to be transformed too! We are very, very excited for these tools!

What do you need to do as soon as it is released?

1. First step – DOWNLOAD THE APP.




Go into our website sign up for our newsletter, and there we will inform you more about THE KICKSTART PACKAGE, as soon as they are released and are out there!

God bless you! Share the news! Help people be ready for the big release date, May 14th!

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We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.

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