Jesus changes my heart.

Jesus changes my heart.

This testimony was published on the TLR Map.

Here is one testimony from the weekend. Just want to glorify God for what He did for me. It’s amazing love. Everything the Lord does is in His perfect timing and it is very personal. The first night I was just crying during worship being convicted and I didn’t even know what it was. The next morning, same thing, but then God searched my heart and brought out what had been hiding in its recesses. He is the purifier. This is love. So gentle and forgiving. I had bitterness still. Not towards a certain individual. But towards everyone that I perceived had hindered me from following Jesus. They had not hindered me. I did. They were my excuses. My wife, my children, my mom, job, people in the institutional church, and even in the Body of Christ. Jesus looked at me and said you follow me. I wept and repented towards God for not trusting Him and released all those people from a crime they never committed. Laura and Mark and others prayed for me. And then I was so free. My boldness to share the gospel changed. Now the Lord has said to me I have to humble myself before Him even more. I have no choice but to depend on Him. Any man can make a great show in the flesh. But the Lord uses the weak, the despised, and the base things of this world to confound the wise and prudent. The fear of man has to go. But only the Lord can get us there. Keep seeking, asking, knocking and He WILL answer. I had to humble myself and submit for God to bless me through Laura and Mark. And by so many people there. I just saw the Holy Spirit flowing through His people ministering and being ministered to. Through boldness and humility. They touched and it was so beautiful. Bless the Lord Oh my soul. He loves you all so much.

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