We are on the way home to Orlando from Fort Lauderdale after a beautiful day. The woman you see here in this video was the wife of a good friend of mine. Today we prayed for her out on the beach and as you can see here the Holy Spirit came over her, she fell down, experienced freedom, tongues, and a new life. It was so beautiful. She was so changed afterward. It was amazing to see 😎🙏
She told us afterward that she saw a great light coming into her but it did not stop there: afterward we went to a home where we gathered 20 people and again people got baptized with Holy Spirit, were healed, and heard the word. It was also so beautiful. There is nothing like seeing people meet God and get in the new life. This is also for you out there! We will be home in 3 hours and after some hours of sleep we will go down again to Boynton Beach with our Cafe bus to experience new lives changed and new amazing things with God. The harvest is great, the workers are few. Follow Christ, be a disciple, and you will see this amazing life also. God bless you all out there.