Millions Are Leaving The Church – But It’s Not All Bad – The Reformation Has Begun!

Millions Are Leaving The Church – But It’s Not All Bad – The Reformation Has Begun!

In these days, most people are focused on what’s happening out in the world of chaos – voter fraud, vaccination, masks, lockdowns, restrictions, and chaos, chaos, chaos.

But, in the midst of this, we’re seeing a reformation of the church! Why? Because the church as we’ve known it, will not survive what’s happening. It will not survive the future.

We already see this now. Millions, these last months, have left the church, and many of them are not coming back. But, this is not all bad.

Why? Because these days, we are seeing the beginning of a reformation of the church, that’s bringing people back to the simple, organic, powerful life we read about in the Bible!

When Mao came in 1949, and persecuted the church in China, it looked like the church had died. They thought they had rid China of Christianity, but they could not have been more wrong.

They actually did the church a favor, because out of that, people needed to meet in a simple, organic, “underground” way! And this became the beginning of a move of God that’s now changing the world!

See this video… and be encouraged by what God is doing! And be part of the future church!

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This is not about selling the book. This is about getting the message out. It’s about preparing you for what’s happening and what is coming to the world.

Most people are thinking so much about the world that they don’t see what God is doing when it comes to the church. It is not all bad. Actually, it’s going to be powerful and beautiful!

See more video about the new JESUS fellowships that is starting all over….

God bless you all out there!

Torben Søndergaard

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We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.

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