For those who don’t know what a cessationist is:

Cessationism is a doctrine that says spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues, prophecy, and healing ceased with the Apostolic Age.

We just had our first evening meeting at the Kickstart here in Arkansas, and it was so beautiful! I took somebody up front who had never prayed for anyone before. What I didn’t know was that this would become so powerful! I found out the young boy I took up had never received the Holy Spirit and did not speak in tongues, so in front of everyone he received the Holy Spirit and tongues, and just two minutes later he prayed for another woman who got set free!

It was a POWERFUL demonstration for the whole church because everyone in the church knew this young boy! And this afternoon, we had been out eating with the leadership, and this young boy I took up was dating one of the leader’s daughters! So it was so beautiful for the whole church to see this young boy just on fire for Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, praying for other people who got set free, and it just started something tonight!

We saw so many deliverances, so many healings, so many people filled with the Holy Spirit! It was a beautiful night, and we are ready to continue tomorrow to see what God will do there! So have a good night all of you out there! Now it is time to sleep, and I look forward to seeing what God will do tomorrow!

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We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.

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You will love this video! Just try to see the first minute, and you will want to see more! This everyday life led by the Holy Spirit is also for you!

AMAZING testimony of healing of back pain that lasted several months!!!
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