“Now You May Kiss the Bride” – A Very Personal, Heartwarming, Yet Challenging Video.

“Now You May Kiss the Bride” – A Very Personal, Heartwarming, Yet Challenging Video.

Warning: This Video Is Not for Minors

This is a very emotional video at times, but it is also very honest and direct. It is not suitable for kids. Let’s say it as it is: listen and pray about this.

Let’s help the next generation before it’s too late by sharing these truths with them. This is what they need to hear.

For those of you who know Simone and Joshua, I’ve included a link for anyone who would like to give a gift for this great new journey they are on.


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We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.

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