Miraculously powerful healing from broken wrist in Jesus Name

Miraculously powerful healing from broken wrist in Jesus Name


This is our friend Jesus Flores, who was out with our Luke 10 students this weekend. This is just one of many testimonies! Our Luke 10 School in Florida is going really well! Many things are happening, and this weekend the students and helpers have all been sent out in teams all over America to share the Gospel, find a person of peace, heal the sick, cast out demons, and the testimonies are many!

This is just one out of many testimonies which have been coming in this weekend! We want to share this to show you out there that when people experience God, they often don’t know how to react. This is so beautiful!

For you out there, remember that the next Luke 10 School will be in California, in the middle of March. The information about that will come out very soon!

This guy is planning to have us baptize him tomorrow. He got attacked by a pit bull and his wrist was bad, he was not able to move it. Now it’s healed in the precious Name of Jesus.
Luke 10:9
And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.


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