Take an honest look at ourselves first and then at our churches; this is where change begins.
Millions are going to church today. Enjoy it. It is important to gather together.
The way people have church varies greatly from place to place. And I often say there are good things and not-so-good things everywhere. There are things that are fruitful and important, and other things that are unnecessary.
But as we go to church this Sunday, let’s ask ourselves some important questions.
Do people here grow up to maturity and become those who teach others, or do they remain as someone who needs to be fed year after year and never really grow up?
Do people here develop a healthy fear of God as sound doctrine gives and become holy as our Father is holy, purifying themselves as they look forward to the day our Lord returns to get His bride, or do they remain sinners needing to go to the altar and confess the same sins again and again, never truly free?
Do the people here learn to obey Christ as faithful disciples, sharing the gospel, healing the sick, and casting out demons, or is this reserved for the very few on the platform while the rest, who are all called to obey Christ, never get started?
Does church life become something people do a few hours on Sunday while the rest of the week there is very little Jesus in their life?
Yes, there are many good questions to ask. The other day, I had a Zoom call with several ministry leaders and pastors from around the US. We will publish the meeting next week. One thing I said was that we need to be honest and ask the right questions. That is where change starts. And it is not always easy to do that.
Ask those questions today and then ask, “What can I do to see growth and change first in my life and then in my church?” It can be difficult at first, and change is not easy, but for those who take this path, take action, and do what is needed, a beautiful and fruitful life will come out of it.
We have seen transformation in many people and many churches. It is painful, yes, but not difficult if you are willing and ready for change.
Keep in mind as you move on with your Sunday.
Be blessed and let’s live the life He called us all to live.
Torben Sondergaard
Here are some links to start with: