Student Application Form

Student Application Form

Read more about the Luke 10 school here.

Read more about the Virtual Pioneer Training School school here.

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Please use a computer to fill in the form.

Signups are closed for now
We recommend that you us Chrome // Firefox// or Edge to ensure that your application will go through properly. If you use any other browser, there is the possibility that some of the functions on the application may not work. Thank you and Blessings.
Please click the submit button only once and let the spinning loader icon finish. This can take a minute or two.
l'Ultima riforma in italia

Chi ti vede visitare il nostro sito web dalla Svizzera. Anche lì abbiamo un team dedicato di gente del posto che è appassionata di avvicinarti a Dio.

Want to know how to live this life too?

You will love this video! Just try to see the first minute, and you will want to see more! This everyday life led by the Holy Spirit is also for you!

Steven & Tamara wrote a testimony.