We are very excited to welcome you to this video. It is the second video in our new series about Church.
On our new JESUS FELLOWSHIP page on our website, you will find a description of what we believe, and what we can do to help you out there to build real JESUS FELLOWSHIPS.
Our GOAL: To build the Kingdom of God by helping YOU build new and real JESUS FELLOWSHIPS, where the disciples are growing in maturity and multiplying in number!… FELLOWSHIPS where people truly LOVE each other as family!
What we can do for YOU:
– Connect YOU with people around you with the same goal and heart for JESUS
– Provide YOU with resources and discipleship
– Help YOU build real JESUS FELLOWSHIPS (from the beginning, or by a reformation of already existing fellowships
– Help YOU lay a proper foundation so YOU can know the truth and be a fruitful disciple who knows how to make other disciples
What do WE see as important:
– Building the Kingdom of God (not TLR)
– Making disciples not “members”
– Coming back to the FULL Gospel and seeing true repentance, baptism to Christ and baptism with the Holy Spirit
– To see disciples grow up to maturity in Christ and obey the call Jesus has given us all
Let’s work together to see a reformation of the church back to REAL JESUS FELLOWSHIPS as the early church did, with love, power and growth!
Let’s connect with each other, and together make disciples and see Jesus build HIS church!
See more on these pages:
See this first video here:
INTRO – Time For REAL Church! – Jesus Is Building HIS Church – A True Discipleship Movement