About this interview:
Torben Søndergaard, a Danish evangelist. Torben lives a life reminiscent of the Book of Acts, witnessing remarkable occurrences such as individuals experiencing spiritual rebirth, undergoing baptism, healing, deliverance, and making new disciples of Jesus Christ. Nothing can be more dangerous to the devil’s agenda! These manifestations of faith in Torben’s ministry have drawn opposition from powerful adversaries, both human and spiritual, leading to severe persecution. Consequently, Torben and his family fled Denmark to seek refuge in the USA, only to encounter even worse persecution by the US government.
To donate, or for more information and resources, please visit Torben’s websites:
The Last Reformation (TLR): https://thelastreformation.com
(Pioneer School, 3 TLR Movies, TLR Map, and more)
Torben’s legal case: https://torbensondergaard.com
(Timeline of persecution, legal documents, etc.)
00:00:00 Introduction
00:05:33 Church growing up
00:09:05 traditions & seminaries
00:14:20 Baptism: just a symbol?
00:22:33 Power baptism howto
00:28:30 Baptism of fire
00:35:27 Deliverance Ministries
00:40:19 Disagree? Do this:
00:40:55 Driven by the life
00:51:52 Holy Spirit power
00:56:57 Science vs. faith
01:03:44 Receiving the Spirit
01:09:47 Why some get healed
01:13:07 Websites to visit
01:14:28 Book recommendation
If you disagree with the contents of this video, please follow Matt 18.15-19.
TrueWonders of the Bible through all ages
All rights reserved
Baptism footage (edited by Shane Good) in this video is used with permission by the copyright holder TLR (thelastreformation.com)
We encourage you to watch these movies:
👉 The Last Reformation: The Beginning: https://tlrthebeginning.com
👉 The Last Reformation: The Life: https://tlrthelife.com
👉 7 Days’ Adventure with God: https://7daysadventurewithgod.com
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