Let’s build together! Soon, we will start inviting people who are working with “church” planting – people who are making disciples, and gathering in their homes or other places.
It’s time! We want to share what we’re seeing God doing, and connect people with each order, and build together! We also want to help those who are stuck and need help to move on.
Keep your eyes and ears open for the next step on the way!
See the other videos from The Call of Jesus:
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If you don’t have any money for the book then send us an email and we can help with a code. This is for everyone, even those who don’t have the money!
Amazon – The ebook:
https://www.amazon.com/Call-Jesus-finding-person-peace-ebook/dp/B08654LR4C/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=Torben+sondergaard&qid=1584801151&sr=8-5 https://thelastreformation.com/shop/books/english/the-call-of-jesus/
Amazon – The printed book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1952484006/ref=mp_s_a_1_7?dchild=1&keywords=Torben+sondergaard&qid=1584801151&sr=8-7
The Last Reformation:
God bless you!
Torben Søndergaard
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