Have I hurt you out there? Then I want to say I am sorry. Please forgive me.
Please watch this very important video where I talk about how we so easily hurt each other and how it’s so easy to let Satan win by coming in with bitterness and unforgivemess towards each other.
Have I hurt you out there?
Then I want to say I am sorry. Please forgive me. I didn’t attempt to hurt you. And you who have hurt me or spoken negatively about me, I forgive you, because I know our fight is not against flesh and blood but it’s a spiritual fight.
We see so much hurt and division amongst people and in the churches because we are not aware of this.
See this very important video I did where I share about a very powerful experience I had a few days ago, and other examples of how we so easily get hurt and start to hate each other.
Torben Søndergaard