We would like to share an amazing experience we had with God a few days ago! When you see this video, we want to encourage you that YOU can also live this life! This is the real life we read about in the book of Acts! This is what Jesus has called us to in Luke chapter 10 when He sent His disciples out to find a person of peace, go to their house, and see the whole household come to faith! This should be the normal Christian life for all of us!

It started with us going to Chick-fil-A, where a family was sitting inside their car outside Chick-fil-A. The woman in the car recognizing me and came up to me! I ended up praying for her son who had a torn MCL, and he got healed! After that, I prayed for the father who got set free from addiction and filled with the Holy Spirit for the first time, and spoke in tongues! All of this happened just outside Chick-fil-A, where others stopped by and were watching! It was really powerful! And it didn’t stop there!

We talked more, and then we ended up going home with the family, where we shared more about the Gospel. All four got baptized in water, and the two kids also received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues for the first time! The mom was the only one who had already received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues, but now the WHOLE FAMILY was healed, set free, baptized in water, and baptized with the Holy Spirit! It was just AMAZING! It was so POWERFUL!

The way the Holy Spirit came upon this whole family was amazing! This was one of the most beautiful baptisms I’ve ever seen! It was one of the most amazing moments we’ve had as a family, and we are never, ever going to forget this day!

We recorded all of it on video, and this video is going to be so, so SPECIAL! I tell you out there, God is doing something INCREDIBLE!
God is doing something NEW!

What was also special about this day, is that it started really bad. We had a problem with the car in the morning, and we actually ended up being three hours late! We’d wanted to leave at 7:00am because we had nine and a half hours of driving to Sacramento, but because of the car problem we ended up leaving at 11:00am instead!

But THANK GOD for the problem!
THANK GOD we were late! THANK GOD for Chick-fil-A!
THANK GOD for what happened!
It was INCREDIBLE! Yes! Had we not had the car problem, we would not have met this family at Chick-fil-A in Redding on the way here! I even got to eat my Cobb Salad I bought, and we ended up getting to our AirBnB house in the middle of this night! But we just LOVE it!!

Guys, this is for ALL OF YOU out there! Let’s live this life as we read in the book of Acts! This is a moment we will never forget, and this is a story we will talk about again, and again, and again, and again!

More of YOU, Jesus!! 🙏

For you out there, there is also freedom for you! There is freedom for your family! There is freedom from sin! Christ has paid the price!

Reach out to us and let us help you! Do you not know where to start? We also recommend you go to this website:

where you can find more teaching and videos, and hear the Gospel, and experience the freedom, and be encouraged, and learn how you can come in and live the same life we see in this video! Share this video with other people and let it bring hope and freedom to them too!

In this video, you see me sitting at a table and sharing the Gospel using some cards we have. You can find a video where I explain more about the cards here:

And you can order the Gospel cards on our website here:


In the video, you also see me sharing The Kickstart Package with them. They are now going through it together as a family. You can find The Kickstart Package at the link here:


God bless you all out there!

about tlr

We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.

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