From Law To God – Putting Off The Old Life 🙏🙏👍 Free To Walk With God

From Law To God – Putting Off The Old Life 🙏🙏👍 Free To Walk With God

Millions Of Christian Can Relate To This And Need To Put Off The Old Life

Where Are You In Your Life?

Are you still in the Catholic church, Lutheran church, or place where there’s a lot of law and no freedom? Or, are you in a place where you’ve heard about the love of God and what Jesus did for you, but are still not free?

Tracy was both places. She heard the law in the Catholic church, and was baptized as a baby, but something was missing. Later, she got baptized in another church, after she heard about the love of God, but still, something was missing.

She felt heavy. She felt like she was carrying around her old self. She could never let go. That was the truth for her, and it is the truth for millions of believers all over the world.

See this amazing testimony with Tracy – how she let go of the old life when she buried it to Jesus Christ, and how she experienced the true freedom there is in Jesus – a freedom from sin – a freedom that is lasting!

See this powerful testimony, and for you out there, you can also experience the same freedom!

On our website,, you can find more teaching about the Gospel. You can see more videos, and you can see our world map where you can connect with strong believers near you who are able to sit down with you and share the Gospel so you can experience the freedom! Or, jump in a car and drive a few hours like Tracy did, and meet us when we are around the world, and let us take the time to share the Gospel with you.

Take the time yourself, until then, to sit down and read the Word. Study the Word. As we said in the video, do not just listen to what has been told in your church. Do not even just listen to what we are saying. Take the Bible and read it for yourself. See what the Word is saying, and experience the same true freedom Tracy experienced, I experienced, and millions of other people all over the world have experienced!

Big blessings!
Torben Sondergaard

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We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.

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