I’m very excited to present a new series I will do with you out there called FIGHTING FOR THE TRUE GOSPEL. The last months and years, we have seen God transforming people’s lives in amazing ways. We have seen thousands of people coming to God, getting set free from their sins, and starting a new life as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Many of those have been in church for years, but they have been presented a different gospel, a gospel that could not set them free. Paul said, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it’s the power of salvation for everyone who believes!” Me, myself, I was guilty of this. For years, I was preaching a half-gospel, and I saw some freedom in some people, but not like what we are seeing today!

In this video series I’m doing, besides this INTRO video, I am going to include one video where we’re looking at FAITH, one where we look at what REPENTANCE is, one where we look at BAPTISM IN WATER, and one with the BAPTISM WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, and maybe I will do more, where we will look at WORKS, and “ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED.”

This is for you out there who are preaching the Gospel – you who have a responsibility when it comes to sharing the Word of God with the people around you.

Let’s go into Scripture together! Don’t be afraid to admit if you have been doing something wrong. I’ve had to admit that many times, that I have been wrong!

Let’s all go into Scriptures together because we have a responsibility. And I will also say to you, if I am wrong, please show me!
I don’t want to be deceived, and I don’t want to deceive other people! So please, let’s look at the Scriptures together and come back to the true Gospel we read about in the Bible!

This is also for you who are skeptics out there who want to discuss. Normally, I don’t want to spend a lot of time just arguing for the sake of arguing, but you are welcome to come with some of your questions and comments, and I will bring them up in some of the next videos. (But, please keep the language nice, and do it short and precise. 🙂

But these videos are also especially for you out there who have experienced this new freedom in Jesus Christ – you who have experienced the true Gospel and the freedom – you who love Jesus, but are hearing many arguments from other people where you sometimes don’t know what to answer. I believe these videos can help you out there to come with a good and precise answer when people are fighting against what you believe.

So, I believe this video series is going to be a blessing to all of you out there, but here is the INTRO video…. See it! Share it with other people! And then I look forward to next time when I will look at FAITH, and take up some of your questions when it comes to that.

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Big blessings to all of you!
Torben Søndergaard

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We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.

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