Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? – Did you? This is important
It is possible to believing without receiving.
But you don’t need to wait longer you can receive the Holy Spirit today.
In this Video I will ask you the important question Paul ask some believers he meet. The question was if they received the Holy Spirit when they believed. And like many church people out there today they haven’t received the Holy Spirit. But that day they did.
And today you can also receive.
Have you not received the Holy Spirit then try to find a green contact person near you at our map on www.TLRmap.com
See this video and take your bible and study this for yourself. If there is a area where our enemy Satan have tried to deceive the Christians then it is when it comes to the Holy Spirit and sparking in tongues. He know that if he can stop us here we will end up powerless.
I know that there is so much more to say about this. Therefor I also recommend those videos here where I go so much deeper.
Baptism with the Holy Spirit – The promise in the New Covenant
Torben Sondergaard. Let`s talk abaut speaking in tongues and baptism with the Holy Spirit.
See more www.TLRmovie.com
God bless you
Torben Sondergaard
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