First, we have a 2 Day Kickstart this weekend near Miami, Florida, where we will talk about discipleship, how to share the Gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons, and be led by the Holy Spirit. We hope you’ll join us for this amazing time!
Next, we are going to Georgia! From July 5th through the 8th, we will have a Connection Week, for all of you out there who are longing for even more teaching training and want to connect with us.
This is a time where we will go deeper into getting to know each other, setting up house fellowships, and how to be effective in making disciples. There will also be time for outreach, fellowship, and much more.
There will also be an open house Café Talk, every afternoon where you can enjoy a cup of coffee from our Jesus Café Bus as we talk about life with Jesus and where you have the opportunity to come with your questions.
We will then have a nightly Revival meeting Monday through Thursday, when we will have worship, preaching and opportunities for prayer, deliverance, healing, baptisms in water and the Holy Spirit.
On Friday and Saturday, we will end the week with a 2 Day Kickstart!
This is a 2-day hands-on teaching on discipleship. The teachings will be very practical and will include going out on the streets, healing the sick, and preaching the gospel.
We believe that this is going to change many people’s lives! We encourage you to not only come yourselves, but to bring as many as you can, to experience the freedom of Christ through the power of the Gospel.
Let’s see a breakthrough in America. It is time. If not now, then when? America is being shaken and now is the time to be serious about your life with Jesus. It is TIME to live as a disciple of Jesus and bear fruit in your everyday life!
Click on the links below for more details and how to register!
Miami Kickstart –
Georgia Connection Week/Revival/Outreach/Kickstart –