I’m very excited to share two videos with you, of two amazing testimonies! They just give a little picture of what God is doing today!
Right now, we are seeing a movement! We are seeing thousands of people becoming disciples and taking the call of Jesus seriously – normal people who have been in church, who have lived the “normal Christian life” without a lot of fruit – who suddenly start to live the REAL normal Christian life we read about in the Bible, with much fruit! This is a life where in their everyday lives, in their house, in their living room, in the shopping malls around them, in their neighborhood, they start to share Jesus, heal the sick, cast out demons, and lead people to God!
Don’t be deceived and think that the normal Christian life is (if you’re lucky) to see just one person come to God in a lifetime! No! That is not what we’re called to do! Jesus wants us to bear much fruit – and every branch in Him who does not bear fruit, He cuts it off, but every branch who bears fruit, He prunes it so it will bear even more fruit!
In this video, I talk about it, and I talk about two videos we’ve just given out. The first one is with John and Eva who were like many people, going to church but frustrated. They didn’t see in church what they read in the Bible. So they tried to find a new church, and a new church, and a new church, but they never found what they were looking for. One day, they found the online Pioneer School I did, and when they watched it, they not only believed it, they acted on it, and people started to get healed! Now six years later, they have seen over five hundred people healed, over two hundred people baptized to Christ. Many of them were in their own house, where they now have two places to baptize! They have seen God’s power in their house, when people came in to buy something and ended up getting born again! People who just entered into the business they had got healed without anyone praying for them! Now John and Eva are retired, not to lay on the sofa and do nothing, but retired to have even more time for the Kingdom of God!
One of the people baptized by John and Eva was Brian, and this is one of the other videos I want to share with you here. Brian and Jennifer, an amazing family from Los Angeles, over the last two and a half years, have baptized over eighty-five people to Christ in their bathtub! Every day, they’re seeing people healed, set free, and born again!
People are experiencing the real life, and here we see the multiplication! John and Eva got kickstarted. They took it. They obeyed God. They started to go out on the Word and they saw fruit – two hundred people baptized to Christ. One of them was Brian and his family, who then baptized eighty-five to Christ, seeing fruit, that’s seeing fruit, that’s seeing fruit!
Here are the two videos I want to share with you. The first is with John and Eva. See that here:
The second one, with Brian and Jennifer, you can see here:
These videos are part of a new series we’re doing called FAMILY ON A MISSION. More videos are on the way of people who were living the “normal Christian life” without fruit. They were deceived! But then their eyes were opened and they started to obey Christ, and then they started to see a lot of fruit! More videos will be coming out in this series, FAMILY ON A MISSION. You can see the videos, as soon as they come out, on our playlist here:
A good place to start, like John and Eva, is to see the online Pioneer School, which has helped transform thousands of people all over the world. You can see the online Pioneer School here:
Share this video and our other videos, and let people see and know that this is what God has for all of us!
It’s your life! It’s your choice! Do you want to live the “normal” deceived Christian life, or do you want to be a disciple of Christ, who makes disciples who makes disciples, who make disciples?
See the videos! Get inspired!
God bless you all out there!
Torben Søndergaard