Whole church baptized and filled by the Holy Spirit – Let your church be next.

Whole church baptized and filled by the Holy Spirit – Let your church be next.

For the first time ever, I can announce that we have just baptized an entire church. This former Baptist church has been transformed into a Holy Spirit-filled church.

Let your church be next. This is the beginning of something God began to speak about years ago. Watch the video here and let us help you.

Below are some links I spoke about in the video:

Prophetic Video Reveals Shift Coming to Churches Worldwide – Watch Now! https://youtu.be/tXNpDH8WHEs (https://youtu.be/tXNpDH8WHEs)

Former Baptist church experienced transformation as people received the Holy Spirit https://youtu.be/aLomvPu5SnU (https://youtu.be/aLomvPu5SnU)

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We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.

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