1200 x 842 PostCard

I hope you’re all good out there! I want to use this newsletter to share the news that we are going to California – and even more than just going – we are MOVING to California! God has called us to southern California to start work down there, and hopefully, we will have a camp there at the beginning of the new year! It will be a bilingual camp focusing on California and America and Mexico and Latin America.

This has been growing in us for some time now, but the last details about us going to California have only been made clear in the last two or three weeks. So, this is big news for many of you out there who have been following us – and it’s also big news for us as a family! Yes! If you had asked me a month ago, I did not expect us to be going to California, but this is how God is! God reveals His plans little by little!

Because I want everyone out there to really understand the heart behind it and why we are going to California, we have done a longer video I really recommend you see! You can see the video below:

In this video, I’m not only telling about us and our plans to go to California.

  • I’m also calling you out there!
  • Time is short!
  • Jesus is coming back soon, and I think we all feel it!
  • Something is changing, and it’s going very, very fast! It’s time to live out that dream of serving God in a way you haven’t done before!
  • It’s time for many out there to go on a mission! Go out and preach the Gospel!
Therefore, I have done this longer video to challenge all of you out there…
  • What are we living for?
  • What do we have to show if Jesus were to come back in five years?

I hope you will take the time to see this video!

For you who live in California, we look forward to seeing you down there! I can also announce that the work is also continuing here in Florida, and it’s beautiful! The Luke 10 School is going right now, and it has been good! There will be a new Luke 10 School starting in January, and I encourage you who have considered joining the Luke 10 School to go and sign up! It’s going to be an amazing school, and we really look forward to seeing God continue to do many beautiful things out of Florida!

On the way to California, we will do meetings in Alabama, Texas, and Arizona.

It’s not only here in America where God is working! I shared a video the other day from our friends Amos and Merrie Ann from Australia. Many of us have heard about the bad lockdowns and restrictions happening all over Australia, but it’s not only bad news that’s coming out of Australia!

The Kingdom is growing! The Kingdom is growing in a beautiful way!

This is what we are hearing from our friends worldwide – that yes, there are lockdowns – and yes, there are restrictions – and yes, lives for many have become more challenging – but it doesn’t mean that the Kingdom has stopped growing! The Kingdom has grown even MORE in this season!

Therefore, I wanted to share the video with all of you from our friends in Australia. For you who live in Australia, reach out to Amos and Merrie Ann! You can see that video below:


I want to say here at the end of this newsletter that GOD IS FAITHFUL! He IS! 
When we were in Denmark, we saw God was FAITHFUL. When we left Denmark, we saw God was FAITHFUL. When we came to America with nothing, we saw God was FAITHFUL. When we got to the Ark in North Carolina, we saw God was FAITHFUL. When we left the Ark, we saw God was FAITHFUL. When we came down here to Florida, we saw God is FAITHFUL. And we KNOW, therefore, as we now step into California and this new adventure, we will also see God is FAITHFUL! He’s not only faithful in our life! He’s faithful for all of us who live with Him – all of us who step out on His words!

So I encourage you – no matter where you live – to be bold!

Share Jesus!

Use the resources on our website!

Share the movies!

Go through the online Pioneer School!

Set up Jesus Fellowships with The Kickstart Package!

Use the tools we have given you and step out on the Word of God, and you will see that GOD IS FAITHFUL!

Seek HIM for what your next step is!

It could be the next Luke 10 School in Florida!

It could be the bilingual school we will start in California! Or it could be one of the training schools in your own country or closer to you! Seek God, and He will guide you, and you will also experience that He is FAITHFUL!

We, as a family, want to thank you for all of your prayers and all of your support! It means so much to us that people are praying for us and standing together with us in this work for the Kingdom!

May we all serve our LORD Jesus together and see the Kingdom expand before He comes back!

God bless you all out there! Let’s be good and faithful servants who have been faithful in the small things!

about tlr

We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.

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