– Scary judgement day or a amazing wedding? Are we living for this age or the age to come?

– Scary judgement day or a amazing wedding? Are we living for this age or the age to come?

– Scary judgement day or a amazing wedding? Are we living for this age or the age to come?

Join us live Tomorrow (Friday) at 2:00 pm Eastern Time, which is 8:00 pm (20.00) in Europe.

The world are still getting more and more crazy.
Is it time to look up and wait the return of Christ?
We will tomorrow have a LIVE talk about this and everything else that is happening.
Are you living for this age or the age to come?
Are you ready for what is coming?

It is time to build on the ROCK so that we will stand firm when the waves come raging against us. It’s time to make sure our oil lamps are filled…. like the virgins who are ready to meet their bridegroom!

We will also have some time for Q & A.

Please get some coffee and tea ready, gather your friends and family, and let’s have some good time together with us.
I know this is going to challenge you but also encourage you at the same time.

We will go live on both Facebook and YouTube.

See you tomorrow – Please share.

Torben Søndergaard

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We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.

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