If there were just one message I truly wanted the church to get, it would be this one: to understand what salvation is, what we are saved from, how we are saved, and what we are saved to. Yes, to understand that salvation is a journey and not what most are preaching today. Grasping this message alone will change everything—not only in our personal lives but also in our churches—how we preach, make disciples, and our attitude toward sin and obedience.
May God speak to you in this very special lesson.
God bless you,
Torben Sondergaard
00:00 Introduction
09:29 Part One
57:19 Part Two
Download the slides (PDF) of this lesson here: https://thelastreformation.com/kingdom/
The Kingdom School Playlist:
We encourage you to watch these movies:
👉 The Last Reformation: The Beginning: https://tlrthebeginning.com
👉 The Last Reformation: The Life: https://tlrthelife.com
👉 7 Days’ Adventure with God: https://7daysadventurewithgod.com
What is the gospel?
👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91xDwwjcqsE
Share the gospel yourself with gospel cards!
👉Order them here: https://thelastreformation.com/store/outreach-supply/witness-cards/
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Get your religious glasses off! 😎🙂
This practical FREE online school with 28 lessons has changed the lives of thousands of people.
👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdzZv-XMXPU&list=PL0gVAb8r3Mj-GbT18XWdro0Kt_6wM0kv_
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