Powerful day yesterday with strong prophetic words and lots of freedom.

Powerful day yesterday with strong prophetic words and lots of freedom.

We were in the center of the city yesterday, just walking around and seeing His beautiful place. And as we were there, we talked to people and so many things happened. At one time, I walked up to this girl sitting on a bench and asked if I could pray for her. Then God spoke and I started to prophesy, and it hit her in a very special way. She started to cry and experienced a beautiful freedom. She talked to me afterward about how she had been struggling with something for many years, and that day she asked God to set her free from it. And then I came up to her the next day and spoke prophetically about the exact thing she prayed about the day before, and God set her free.

It is so powerful, and this was just one of many who experienced God yesterday.

Friends, we don’t have to wait for big meetings or conferences. We are here seeking God without anything planned. But as we go, we share Jesus with people around us, and the Holy Spirit is working all around us.

I love it. It is good to be out from jail and share Jesus in freedom and see Him set others free.

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We believe that what we read in the book of Acts is also for today and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had.

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