– This Call, If You Choose To Obey It, Will Transform Not Only Your Life But Also The Lives Of Those Around You! – Jesus Is Calling You!
Welcome to this INTRO video of the new video series I’m doing about the Call of Jesus. The church as we know it will not be the same in the future. It’s time for a reformation! It’s time to come back to the homes, and the simple yet powerful life we read about in the book of Acts – a life where we’re all disciples and learn to walk and serve like Jesus! It’s time to obey the Call Jesus has given us all!
In this video I talk about my new book and the new video series I’m doing – a series that will help you understand what it is Jesus is calling us to. Yes, and not only help you understand what it is Jesus is calling us to, but also to obey it!
In the next 26 videos I will cover one chapter in each video.
Here are the titles of the chapters:
Christ, Mission, And The Church
The Twelve And The Seventy
Being The Good Ground
Two And Two
The Leading Of The Holy Spirit
The Harvest Is Plentiful
Believe That The Harvest Is Ready
Send Out Workers
As Lambs Among Wolves
Carry No Money
Do Not Greet Anyone On The Road
Person Of Peace
Eat And Drink Whatever They Provide
Do Not Move From House To House
Wipe Off The Dust
Heal The Sick And Preach The Gospel
The Kingdom Of God Is Near You
The Book Of The Apostles
The Whole Story
Jesus, Our Savior
Luke 10 Testimonies
Finding The Person Of Peace
We All Need Family
How To Grow Up
Dear Pastors And Leaders
Let The New Life Begin
I hope that you will follow this teaching and let it be transforming for you and those around you! The time is short, and we need to act fast! But we also need to do the right thing – to do it like Jesus has called us to!
After 2 1/2 years my book is finally here! And in a time when the world is going crazy! A coincidence? NO WAY! God is in control!! And He wants us as His church to be ready for what’s waiting for us, and to get the harvest in!
It’s time to understand that you don’t need to stand on a platform in Africa, or on a platform in a church building to serve Jesus! It’s time to understand that your home is your church… your kitchen is your platform… your bathtub is where people can get baptized! The world is changing and so is the church… The church as we know it will never be able to exist in the future…. In many places, we’re already seeing big meetings closing down, and people only able to meet in small groups….
The harvest is ready, and it’s TIME that we wake UP and start to live the life Jesus has called us all to!
You can get the book on Amazon and througt our webside at: www.TheLastReformation.com
If you don’t have any money for the book then send us an email and we can help with a code. This is for everyone, even those who don’t have the money!
The text on the back of the book is this:
“The words of Jesus still have the power to transform the world and set people free. Unfortunately, the problem we have seen over the last 2000 years is that religion and the traditions of men have been slowly pulling people far away from the simple truth and original Call of Jesus.
The Call of Jesus, by Torben Søndergaard, is a forceful reminder of the simple yet powerful and transforming Call that Jesus gave to all.
Through Jesus’ words in Luke chapter 10, Torben brings clarity and revelation to what it actually is that Jesus called us to. He shows in a simple way how we can obey Jesus’ call, and experience the same fruit the church saw in the time of the early disciples. The harvest is ready but the workers are few. This Call, if you choose to obey it, will transform not only your life but also the lives of those around you! Jesus is calling you! Will you accept His Call?”
Please share this video! Share the news and let’s see a revival like never before!
Amazon – The ebook:
Amazon – The printed book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1952484006/ref=mp_s_a_1_7?dchild=1&keywords=Torben+sondergaard&qid=1584801151&sr=8-7
The Last Reformation:
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God bless you!
Torben Søndergaard
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