It is really amazing what God is doing all over the world right now, all over America, and wherever we go we meet people who have been blessed through the Pioneer School and Kickstart Weekends, and have just continued living this life! One of the many places is up here in South Dakota, where God is moving big-time amongst the Hutterites!
It started with a few people who really experienced this life, and started to pray for people, and cast out demons, and preach the full Gospel of repentance, baptism in water and the Holy Spirit, and freedom from religion – and it has just grown!
There’s a small revival breaking loose in the different colonies amongst the Hutterites!
Many people are experiencing the freedom there is in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit!
Here’s a small video clip with our friend Edwin Jr, who God has used mightily to bring this life into the different colonies up here in South Dakota!
We are this weekend having the Kickstart Weekend up here, after this five days with revival meetings in the evenings. It has been beautiful! After that we will move onto Montana, and Spokane, Washington, and after that Portland and California!
God bless you! See this video! It’s beautiful what God is doing!