If you have not heard about it yet, I am very excited to inform you that we as a family have just started a road trip across America! The next five weeks we will drive over 6,000 miles!
We will have four Kickstart weekends. We will have different meetings besides that. We will meet many people and pray for many people all over! We are so excited!
We decided before we left home that we will pray for at least one person at every stop we are taking. The first day it become many good conversations, people who got healed, people who said, “Whoa! This is crazy!,” people who said, “Whoa! You are sent by God!,” and it was beautiful!
We are so excited for what God will do! If you are living in those areas we are coming, then come and meet us! We would love to meet you on this trip to California!
On the way to California, we are doing the first stop in Houston, Texas tomorrow, where we will have our first Kickstart weekend tomorrow and Saturday!
Tuesday of next week we will be in Phoenix, Arizona, and then we are looking at going to Las Vegas and doing a stop there.
After Las Vegas, we will spend a little more than two weeks in California, where we are looking at doing a Kickstart in Sacramento, April 10th and 11th, and a Kickstart in Bakersfield, the 17th and 18th.
We are also doing one day in Long Beach at the beach, on the 7th. All of this is not public yet, but in a few days you will find all the information about the different meetings we are doing in California, on www.TLRmap.com.
On the way home, we are doing a three-day Kickstart in New Orleans, Louisiana. That will be at the end of next month. So, please come and join us! Come and meet us!
There’s not a lot of time to get the information out. We decided just a week ago that we as a family would take this road trip together with Simone’s amazing boyfriend Joshua who is now staying with us. This is going to be a good time!
So, for all of you out there, come and meet us! Thank you for your prayers! Thank you for your support! It is a long trip, and we need all the prayers and support we can get!
If you will support our trip. 🙂
Big blessings to all of you!