Yes, this was what the demons were saying to a woman the whole way here yesterday. She’d been involved with the Jewish cult Kabbalah for 17 years, and had many demons.
When I met her here at the Tent Revival and started to pray for her, the demons were shouting, and she fell down screeching and the demons left. She then got baptized in water, and got a totally new beginning! It was very powerful and amazing! She was smiling and felt free for the first time in 17 years!
In the video you also see a man who got healed in his shoulder at the meeting yesterday, after not been able to move it for 48 years! Afterward, God spoke to him through some prophetic words and he experienced healing and freedom inside too!
Yes, yesterday was amazing. It was for me the strongest day we’ve had until now here at the revival. We also had all of our ‘mobile PTS’ students out on the street, where many things happened!
Come and join the Tent Revival these next couple days, or at the kickstart weekend starting Friday!
This life is for everyone, as we spoke about yesterday!
Here, you can see what happened yesterday, and hear the amazing testimonies from the street, and the message Torben came with:
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