The Ark Mobile

The Ark Mobile

unique opportunity

tlr in the usa

The Ark (formerly known as Jesus Center) as we call it is not a normal Bible school where you sit all day and listen and then go home. This is a life school where you listen, learn and apply what you have learned, and where we come close to each other and become family.

The Ark is located in North Carolina, near South Mountain State Park, one and a half hours drive from Charlotte. The Ark functions as TLR’s headquarters and offers you the opportunity to follow both the Pioneer Training School and the Luke 10 School. 


3 weeks training

Pioneer Training School

For many years we have been running 3 week PTS’s all over the world and the results have been amazing. Now you can be part of one as well. Curious for what it’s like? Read on and learn all there is to it!

In a Pioneer Training School we look at character and Spirit, we look at what the Gospel is all about with repentance, baptism in water and baptism in the Holy Spirit. We also look at identity and who we are in Christ, as well as how to be led by the Holy Spirit and what it means to believe in Jesus. We look at fasting and how we obey the call of Jesus that He has given to us. 

pioneer training school at the ark

Inside a Luke 10 school

"This was the best experience in my life."
"I have grown so much."

8 weeks training

luke 10 School

The duration of the school is 8 weeks with a possibility to continue the rest of your life. Yes, we really hope many of you will take this and run with it and never look back. This school is for you that are hungry to follow Jesus and want to live the life of a disciple. 

This is not always an easy life, but it is an amazing life led by the Holy Spirit, just like we read about in the Book of Acts. This is for those who have seen our online Pioneer School and our movies and are ready to learn and to walk with us.

This is for those who long to be used by God and experience real church/disciple life.

luke 10 school at the ark

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Join torben at the ark!

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